27 Years of Service

President’s Message

Dr. Telesforo E. Gana Jr.

As I now sit at the helm of the PGH Medical Foundation Inc., it may be incumbent upon me to report on how we have achieved our mission.

It has been more than twenty-six (26) years since the PGH Medical Foundation Inc., was officially created, and after a rather “bumpy” beginning it has now emerged to be a steady and successful organization. As we look back, let us be thankful to Dr. Antonio M. Montalban, then the PGH Director whose vision to maintain its stature and tradition of excellence in health care delivery led him to seek a solution to achieve this formidable task. The increasing challenge of a rapidly growing population that inevitably brought a greater demand for medical services but lamentably not coupled with corresponding fiscal resources, brought the compelling need to create a yolk to assist in meeting the demand. And thus, the PGH Medical Foundation Inc., was created in 1997.

With the completion of his term of office, however, the Foundation had become moribund. It was revived only in 2002 by a new hospital director, Dr. Juan Ma. Pablo Nanagas. A fulltime manager was, however, required to head the organization. He saw this prospect in Dr. Gregorio T. Alvior, a member of UPCM Class 1962 who had retired from his long medical practice in obstetrics and gynecology in the US and had come home to relax. But the call of duty, his strong desire and compassion to assist his countrymen especially the underprivileged prevailed upon him to accept the challenge. The Foundation became fully operational in 2003; since then, we have gone a long way under the able and dedicated leadership of Dr. Alvior and with the able support of the original incorporators, who after a while had to turn over such responsibility to a Board of Trustees which was fully supported by an Executive Committee that enunciated the policies and governing rules for the efficient running of the organization.

Let us not forget the civic-minded men and women particularly our donors who contribute generously their time, effort and resources to enable the Foundation to carry its mission; and to the officers and members who devote their time and expertise without expecting any material reward. Lastly, let us thank likewise the silent workers in the secretariat for their diligence and dedication to their work. Without all of them we would not have succeeded.

DSWD Authority/ Solicitation Permit No.: DSWD-SB-SP-00058-2022

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